Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sunset Hop N' POP skydive

Working is Seattle, WA from 7-3:30 couldn't have seemed any longer today.  The sun has been shining all day after weeks of fog and rain.  Quitting time couldn't have come soon enough as I rush to the freeway only to deal with the inevitable friday afternoon traffic.  My focus is on the sun's position in the sky.  If I can hurry, I can make it to the drop zone before they close up shop for the day.  I make it to Olympia in an hour and a half, which isn't bad for a Friday commute, and the sun still shines over the hills but falling fast.  I don't even bother going home to change my clothes or attempt to clean myself up after a hard days work, instead, I head strait to the DZ.  As I pull in, full of excitement, I see them pulling the plane into the hanger indicating that the day is done.  I'm not convinced for there is plenty of light left in the sky for one final jump and to my delight, they agree to take the 182 out for a Hop N' Pop from 8,500 ft.  I couldn't get my parachute on fast enough as the sun begins to set over the coastal hills.  As we ascend to our jump altitude, I can see Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood.  A golden red blanket of sunset is strung out across the sky, coloring the frosty mountain tops and the lower cloud cover beneath our wings.  Time seems to stop as a melodic silence consumes this moment in life.  Even after a long work week in this season's weather, I'm at peace.  By far the best way to begin a weekend!  If only I had a camera to capture the moment for the rest of the world to see.  Its simply beautiful!

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