Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My First Solo Skydive


I just finished my level 7 jump which is the last jump in which an instructor will be accompanying me.  I have officially graduated kindergarden in Sky School and about to head up for my first ever solo skydive!  I can't stop smiling.  Is this really happening?  I put on my parachute as instructors throughout the hanger are checking my gear and "bidding me fair well" as they too know the status of my next jump.  I am so excited to hear the plane approach the hanger to pick up the next load.  The smell of jet fuel excites me we load into the aircraft.  As we make our way up to 13,500 ft, I'm still finding it hard to believe that in my 3rd weekend jumping, I am allowed to jump alone with no one there to turn toward or to take instruction from as in my previous jumps.  I receive a thumbs up or high 5 from everyone in the plane as the green light turns on indicating that its time to open the door and exit.  As I watch the group before me shrink and disappear into the distant air,  I turn toward the inside of the plane to see everyone smiling at me as they wave me off.  Time to go.  Time to make this leap on my own.  Relative to life in that the power of progression starts with a single step and as you continue to take those steps, you will reach a time and place that demands you to take a leap without anyone there to push you.  Without anyone there to push us throughout our pursuits, we can only push ourselves. This is my time, in this plane and in life.   Who I once was, I no longer am.  What I once was, I can no longer be.  Where I once was, no longer exists.  So how do I change?  Accept reality and take the leap.

I am confident and humbled as I jump through a wall of fear, right out of an airplane door over 10,000 ft.  Though the wind rushes by my ears, there is a silence that surrounds me.  I can feel my smile reaching both of my ears and as I become aware that I can hear nothing, I feel myself laughing hysterically.  "Look mom.. no hands" I say out loud as if i'm performing stand up comedy to a listening audience.  The sun catches my eye and with what maneuvers I'v learned throughout my previous jumps, its easy for me to turn and position my body in any direction as I absorb the entire 360 degree, panoramic view of my surroundings.  Frosted mountain tops, beautiful fall colored forests, crisp clean air with a full sky of sunshine.  Its absolutely beautiful.  What an amazing experience made available for us to witness.  I am so glad I'm here and can't wait to return, BUT FIRST.... I'v got to pull my chute now and land this thing.  And as I approach the ground safely, I have already convinced myself to make one more for the day!  Simply amazing day :)

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